Laugh and listen to a personalized message recorded and saved to the phone! Record a heartfelt message for up to 10 seconds in length, then save it for little ones to listen to again and again, letting them know they are loved. The voicemail button lights up, engaging the curious tendencies of infants and toddlers while introducing cause and effect. Add some voice-changing effects or remix the message into a song with the slider bar. Explore different apps and press the easy-touch buttons to hear about letters, numbers, animals, weather, daily routines and more. Phrases in Spanish and Mandarin introduce foreign languages in a cute way. Hola! That is hello in Spanish! Encourage pretend play with sound effects and silly songs, or even call Scout and his animal friends. Ring ring, let’s play! Intended for ages 6+ months. Requires 3 AAA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.
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